Imperial Amnesia: Thematic U.S. Foreign Policy Reading

“The United States invaded a distant country to share the blessings of democracy. But after being welcomed as liberators, U.S. troops encountered a bloody insurrection. Sound familiar? Don’t think Iraq-think the Philippines and Mexico decades ago. U.S. President George W. Bush and his advisors have embarked on a historic mission to change the world. Too bad they ignored the lessons of history.”

Imperial Amnesia from Foreign Policy

Response Sheet

About the author: John B. Judis is an American journalist, is a senior writer at The National Journal and a former senior editor at The New Republic and contributing editor to The American Prospect.

Judis was born in Chicago. He attended Amherst College and received B.A. and M.A. degrees in Philosophy from the University of California at Berkeley.  Judis started reporting from Washington in 1982, when he became a founding editor and Washington correspondent for In These Times, ademocratic-socialist weekly magazine.

He has also written for GQ, Foreign Affairs, Mother Jones, The New York Times Magazine, and The Washington Post.